Thursday, January 28, 2010

Core Tracks Done!!

*Check out a video tour of the recording studio on Vimeo or YouTube. Your preference!*

This past weekend Model Stranger concluded the recording of the 'core-tracks.' This consisted of Drums, Bass and Rhythm Guitar being recorded LIVE to 2 inch tape. This was especially exciting to us for many reasons. This meant we had to have great takes across the board with no room for error. More importantly we feel this will help convey a similar feeling to seeing us live. We originally planned on recording 5 tracks on Saturday and 5 tracks on Sunday, however, in Model Stranger nature, we blazed through all of the core tracks on Saturday and even prepped another tune. This allotted us the time to record 2 extra songs and start lead guitar tracks on Sunday!

We definitely ran into our fair-share of trials, tribulations and hurdles that had to be cleared; from 'dead tracks' to forgetting a reel of virgin tape and everything in between. However, we kept each other in a positive energy that surpassed any negative issues that arose (having a Moog synthesizer, PlayStation 3 and crash-pad did not hurt either).

The Chrome Attic Studio was the perfect place for us to capture this album. Our engineer Dave Martorana suggested it to us and we dove in with open minds. Turns out it was a great decision. Chrome Attic allowed us to escape the busy, bustling city and instead focus on our music in a secluded haven with all of the modern amenities that a rock n' roll trio could ask for. One of the most influential parts of our performances came from the lighting. Each room had separate (remote) transformers so that the microphones would not pick up the buzzing of the lights. More importantly, each room had amibiant lighting that could be adjusted to a certain color, brightness, change-rate, etc. This really allowed us to set the mood for each and every track. It especially helped when we were recording a waltz version of Eyes Half Open at 2 o'clock in the morning :) (We'll post pictures to our Flickr account later on).

We plan on having everything for the new album done by the end of February, but we are really cookin' now and ahead of schedule, so who knows...

Model Stranger will be taking Nashville by storm this weekend as part of the Moustache Bar Crawl (with the help of 55 other Moustached-Men), so if you are in the Nashville area be sure to let us know! After that it is back to the grind; with vocals, keys and lots-and-lots of percussion to record (there is going to be hand-claps that make your head spin-round!).

We will be posting even more video clips, pictures and other random things-o-fun from our weekend away for you to see next week.

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