For those who haven’t met me before I must confess something to you... I have an affinity for beer. Not in an alcoholic drink a case of Bud Light a day kind of way but rather enjoy a couple unique beers on a suave sailboat (okay, so maybe I don’t own a sailboat!). Craft beer has been on a steady rise for several years now. Who ever imagined that they’d wait in line for an hour just to try and get a limited release beer not to mention only ONE bottle?! Liquor stores that carry these types of beer are becoming the Toys R Us for adults with Great America caliber lines.

So why do you care about my ramblings on craft beer? Well, maybe you don’t and I won’t force you to read any further. If you do you may find a common interest with my hobby. I collect and brew beer. Not necessarily the most “logical” hobby but nonetheless a wonderful one. I started brewing a few years ago and my first beer was a Holiday Ale, appropriately named, “The Grinch’s Christmas Ale” (This sums up my liking for Christmas). Some of my close friends received a bottle along with some homemade wine as their holiday gift. Since then I’ve gone on to brew several different kinds of beers: Oktoberfest, IPA and a Heavy Hopped Wheat to name a few with my latest being a Hefeweizen for the hot summer ahead. If you’re interested in following my brewing adventures feel free to find me on Instagram (kev_james) or
Tagging Beers before they make their way into my storing cellar |
The other half of my beer hobby is collecting. I’ve been asked many times why because people think beer is made to be consumed upon purchasing. This is not necessarily true. Some beers can age for quite some time. I have a few that I plan on aging for 10 years. Yes, you read that correctly. Lately I’ve found myself purchasing more beer to age than I have to drink immediately. While this is not a lucrative investment it is a delicious one that I intend to continue! Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to be invited over to my humble abode for some tastings.

As I’m sitting pondering the thought of what color I want to paint my bedroom I receive an email titled, “Model Stranger – Craft Beer Festival.” Clearly this captured my attention. Upon reading it we received an offer to play this year’s
Craft Beer Street Festival in Chicago. My immediate response was, “Hell yes!” Then I realized I have two other band members that may want to be informed first. Needless to say we took the show and are excited to be performing this coming Saturday, June 30th at 3:45 sharp followed by
Civil Twilight and
Shiny Toy Guns. If you dig craft beer you should really look at the lineup of
Breweries and plan on attending this festival. And while you’re at it make sure to wander over to the music stage and catch us sweating profusely while pouring out our hearts and souls. Then come up, say hello and let’s drinks some delectable beers together. See you Saturday.
Recent Beers I Suggest:
Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale
Bell's Hopslam
Three Floyds Zombie Dust
Lagunitas Imperial Red
Central Waters Bourbon Barrel Aged Stout
-Kevin James
I dig your pallet:) Surprised though Maple Bacon didn't get a shout out..