Once again, stopped work in the studio and took a short trip out to Indiana for a couple shows this past weekend that involved the legendary and new favorite Indianapolis club Melody Inn. The crowd was one of the best we've seen so far in Indy and we fell in love with the venue.
You can view pics from the show here.
We also had the treat of playing Crash McClains in Crawfordsville which gave us an opportunity to catch up with our friends in Polar Island, whom attended the show, always a treat to see them.
We found this here comic printed in the local newspaper and online. Kind of a nice treat to have our press pics and show pics immortalized. Rock.

Thanks to Wayne Bertsch at Nuvo for this comic and show mention. Going to do you proud sir! We will be heading back to Indianapolis on Sept. 22nd to perform at this years ORANJE festival. More on that later!!!